Incorporating probabilistic domain knowledge into deep multiple instance learning

Ghadi S. Al Hajj, Aliaksandr Hubin, Chakravarthi Kanduri, Milena Pavlovic, Knut Rand, Michael Widrich, Anne Solberg, Victor Greiff, Johan Pensar, Günter Klambauer, Geir Kjetil Sandve

The 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024)


Deep learning methods, including deep multiple instance learning methods, have been criticized for their limited ability to incorporate domain knowledge. A reason that knowledge incorporation is challenging in deep learning is that the models usually lack a mapping between their model components and the entities of the domain, making it a non-trivial task to incorporate probabilistic prior information. In this work, we show that such a mapping between domain entities and model components can be defined for a multiple instance learning setting and propose a framework DeeMILIP that encompasses multiple strategies to exploit this mapping for prior knowledge incorporation. We motivate and formalize these strategies from a probabilistic perspective. Experiments on an immune-based diagnostics case show that our proposed strategies allow to learn generalizable models even in settings with weak signals, limited dataset size, and limited compute.

Proposed Strategies


Results Overview

Incorporating PDK improves performance at low witness rates


Incorporating PDK allows learning with less data


Incorporating PDK allows learning with less compute


Important links

Code ICML 2024 Poster OpenReview


            title={Incorporating probabilistic domain knowledge into deep multiple instance learning},
            author={Ghadi S. Al Hajj and Aliaksandr Hubin and Chakravarthi Kanduri and Milena Pavlovic and Knut Dagestad Rand and Michael Widrich and Anne Schistad Solberg and Victor Greiff and Johan Pensar and G{\"u}nter Klambauer and Geir Kjetil Sandve},
            booktitle={Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning},


Ghadi S. Al Hajj

Aliaksandr Hubin

Chakravarthi Kanduri

Milena Pavlovic

Knut Rand

Michael Widrich

Anne Solberg

Victor Greiff

Johan Pensar

Günter Klambauer

Geir Kjetil Sandve


Ghadi received internationalization support from UiO:Life Science for his research stay at the Johannes Kepler Universitat - Linz.